Women’s Ministry

Women minister in numerous ways across our diocese, including as our bishop! Three organizations are worthy of special note.

Episcopal Church Women

ECW, a churchwide organization functions primarily at the parish level in the Diocese of Arizona, ministering under a variety of titles—some of them retaining the traditional language of ECW. Many congregations collect gifts for The Church Periodical Club (CPC) and the United Thank Offering (UTO), sending them directly to the national office for inclusion in the national granting fund. These two funds have promotional supplies available online (CPC: www.churchperiodical.com; UTO: https://unitedthankoffering.com/ should congregations need them.

Those seeking CPC or UTO grants should contact Winifrid Follett, director of the interim diocesan ECW who reviews such applications in collaboration with the bishop and Standing Committee.

The ECW also helps oversee the Distinguished Woman project, which is guided by a team of six women from across the diocese. Each congregation may nominate a woman who has given of her time and talent for the benefit of the parish or diocese for consideration for this award.

The Distinguished Woman for 2024 is Winifrid Follett.

See a list of previous winners.

Daughters of the King

DOK is an international order of Christian women who adopt a Rule of Life based on the promises of our Baptismal Covenant:

  • To continue in the Apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in the prayers.
  • To persevere in resisting evil, and when we fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord.
  • To proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.
  • To seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself.
  • To strive for justice and peace among all people and respect the dignity of every human being.

Most members are communicants of the Episcopal, Anglican, Roman Catholic, and Lutheran (ELCA) churches. Learn more at the national website.

Diocesan Altar Guild

The Diocesan Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the altar during diocesan events, including the annual diocesan convention. They offer resources to congregational altar guilds including tips on green cleaning methods and the development of emergency altar kits for parishes experiencing fires or natural disasters. The guild also keeps the inventory of the Bishop’s Closet, a collection of used vestments, vessels, altar linens and more that may be claimed by congregations in need of these items. Learn more at the National Altar Guild website.