Prison Ministry: If You Visit

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Inmate Visitation

“I was in prison and you visited me.” Matt 25:36

The process for obtaining approval from the Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC) to visit an inmate can be lengthy and disheartening but once you have been approved the rewards are tremendous. Please review the information available on the ADC website regarding the application process. An application form can be downloaded from the website or from the link provided at the bottom of this page.

Actually visiting an inmate for the first time can be overwhelming and it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations regarding inmate visitation for the unit that you will be visiting. Your clothing must comply with these regulations and clothing violations are the most common cause of denied visits. The ADC website does not provide an easy way to find these rules and regulations so we have provided a downloadable PDF file for you to review.

It is recommended to either contact the prison unit by phone or check online to ensure that visitation is being allowed on the dates you plan to visit and that the inmate you plan to visit has been cleared to receive visits (no infractions or “tickets” that will prevent them from receiving a visit). To check the status of visitation at a particular prison, go to the ADC website and enter the word “visitation” in the search bar and then navigate to the name of the prison unit that you plan to visit. Here is the link:

If the inmate you are visiting qualifies for special food visits, it is critical that you review the restrictions regarding what you can bring and how those items are to be packaged to bring in to the prison.

ADC Application for Visitation

ADC Inmate Visitation Regulations