This weekend I eagerly watched the new documentary film, My Name is Pauli Murray, available on Amazon Prime. Murray was a poet, civil rights lawyer and advocate, and Episcopal Priest, …
Diocesan News
The Bishop’s E-pistle: A “Holy Convocation”
The Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the General Convention’s Legislative Committees met this week over Zoom. At that meeting, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry recounted a story of speaking to a Pentecostal …
Walk Alongside Our LGBTQIA+ Siblings This November
By Deb Tickell, Lay Missioner for Emmaus Episcopal Church “We need a visible group. In such a group I could meet people, people like me, older people especially. And maybe …
A Sermon for the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost by the Rev. Canon Pam Hyde
September 19, 2021 | Grace St. Paul’s, Tucson It was a beautiful sight last evening as I was driving south down through the SantaCruz River valley from Green Valley to …
The Bishop’s E-pistle: Let Me Do It Gallantly
Two Sundays ago, I missed the bottom step in the stairs of my house and sustained a foot injury. A trip to the orthopedic surgeon last Friday confirmed that I …
Refugee Resettlement Opportunities
By The Rev. David Ulloa Chavez For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed …
Personnel Announcements
Bishop Reddall is happy to introduce the two newest members of the diocesan staff, who are starting this week. Toni Murdock began as our Events Coordinator on Monday, and Laurel …
The Bishop’s E-pistle: Prayers for Afghanistan
The phrase that has gone through my mind over and over again as I read and watch the news about Afghanistan is “things done and left undone.” I’m not an …
The Bishop’s E-pistle: Called to Serve
As we approach Diocesan Convention in October, we are still in need of additional nominations of both clergy and lay candidates for Standing Committee and the Disciplinary Board. Members elected …
The Bishop’s E-pistle: A Word of Hope for the Church
This week’s E-pistle message is presented in video format. Click the image below to watch Bishop Reddall’s video message. If you prefer to read her message, the text is available …
Creation Season: A Time of Deep Connection
By The Rev. Canon Pam Hyde, Canon for Creation Care Creation Season is just three weeks away! Someone asked me the other day what I wanted to accomplish by promoting …
The Bishop’s E-pistle: Retreat
“Come away to a deserted place and rest a while…”—Mark 6:31 This was part of the Gospel reading two Sundays ago; it was a happy coincidence that it came shortly …