
This page lists items that are available around the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona as well as lost and found items. If you or your church have items you want to sell or donate to other congregations or organizations, please contact our Finance Assistant and Property Manager, Toni Murdock at, to list the items on this page.

If you are looking for careers around the Diocese, visit our Employment Page or Transition Ministry page.

FOUND STOLE – San Pablo  

A Deacon’s stole was left in the vesting closet at Iglesia Episcopal de San Pablo a couple of weeks ago. It may belong to a deacon who attended Fr. Castillo’s installation service. If you believe this is yours, please contact The Rev. Sally Durand at 480-309-1550 to pick it up.
Posted 6/14/2024

Song & Worship Books – FREE

FREE to anyone interested. We have several songbooks and praise books that we would like to give away to anyone who would appreciate the materials. These are just a few of the books we have, for a full list, please email Toni Murdock at
Posted 6/14/2024

Towel and Soap Dispensers – FREE

Saint Barnabas has a large supply of paper towels and soap dispensers they no longer need. These are battery-powered motion-activated dispensers.
Posted 6/14/2024