Campus & Young Adult Ministries

The Episcopal Campus & Young Adult Ministries of Arizona are dynamic places filled with people you might expect to find in church, and a lot of people one would not expect to find there. We think there is a lot about Christianity that can transform our lives for the better. We think that there is a lot about Christianity that needs to be transformed by your life for the better. Our communities are seeking to be transformed by your story and be a part of transforming your story.

Episcopal Campus Ministries at Arizona State University – Tempe,

Episcopal Campus Ministries at ASU is hosted by Saint Augustine’s Episcopal Church in Tempe, AZ. The vicar, Fr. Chad, also serves as the Episcopal chaplain at ASU and works with students and young adult leaders to offer a variety of fellowship, educational, and spiritual opportunities for the ASU community.

LCM|Canterbury – Flagstaff, Arizona

The Episcopal and Lutheran Young Adult and Campus Ministries in Flagstaff serve Northern Arizona University, Coconino Community College, and the greater Flagstaff Community. Our young adult and campus community welcomes and actively affirms people of all ethnicities, races, national origins, gender identities, and sexual orientations. 

UA Episcopal Campus Ministry – Tucson, Arizona

The ECM at the University of Arizona gathers throughout the week for worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth. Every Sunday in the term they meet at 6:00 pm to celebrate the Eucharist and share a meal, graciously provided by local Episcopal parishes. Every week students bring friends to local venues where, with the Chaplain, they discuss questions about life, the universe, and everything. Small groups form around specific studies of scripture, theology, and spiritual practice and meet regularly. Every Friday they take a break to bake their communion bread, and sometimes cookies. They have regular fellowship gatherings to watch movies, play games, and have fun. The Chaplain, Ben Garren, is available throughout the week for one on one discussions with students on issues of religion and life in general. They strive to be an inclusive community that is open to being transformed and transforming others towards a life with Christ. 

Beloved in the Desert – Tucson, Arizona

An intentional community for young adults that fosters beloved Christian disciples through service, study, and prayer in the Tucson borderlands. Beloved in the Desert is comprised of young adults between the ages of 21 and 29. As a volunteer with Beloved in the Desert, one joins a nationwide network known as the Episcopal Service Corps. The Corps members serve in local non-profits working to end homelessness, hunger, and poverty in Tucson, live together in an intentional community, and pray together and with the community in Southern Arizona.  Through their efforts, they do the work of justice while being grounded in the liturgy and support of the Church, and they gain the spiritual skills to live in an intentional community.  This opportunity for emerging professionals offers time for vocational discernment and the opportunity to seek and serve Christ in Tucson through service and community.