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Updated Anti-Racism Training Policy – 6/15/2022

At our June 2022 meeting, the Standing Committee approved an update to our diocesan Anti-Racism Training Policy, which you can read HERE

The key changes include:

  • The list of lay leadership positions which are required to complete Anti-Racism Training has been simplified to: members of the Vestry, Bishop’s Committee, and Search Committee
  • The date by which all current leaders need to complete either Anti-Racism Training or Sacred Ground is now July 1, 2023 (changed from July 1, 2022). 
  • Alternatively, clergy and lay leaders may opt to complete the Episcopal Church’s Sacred Ground curriculum, and in addition, watch the locally produced videos on racism in Arizona that will be available on the diocesan Youtube channel later this year.

Finally, a reminder that while the diocese is maintaining records of all clergy participants in Anti-Racism training, it is the local congregation that must maintain their records of lay employee and lay leader completion.  Those records will be requested each year at Convention by the Bishop’s Office.  

Anti-Racism Goal

The goal of the Anti-Racism Committee is to dismantle racism within the Diocese of Arizona with the ultimate goal of Becoming a Beloved Community.

Our Anti-Racism Training curriculum, Pathways for Engaging in Anti-Racism Initiatives, is designed to provide an understanding, self-examination, and spiritual awakening grounded in our Baptismal Covenant into issues of racism. The training will “strengthen our life together as a denomination that understands the intricate ways in which the sin of racism infects individuals, congregations, and communities.” (General Convention 2018- A044). 

Committee members are available to facilitate a conversation on race and faith with your Vestry/Bishop’s Committee, congregation, or deanery group. To reach a member of the committee, send an email.

The committee is always interested in training new facilitators to use our anti-racism curriculum. We are especially interested in people who would like to focus on the technical aspects of the training and are competent with running Zoom meetings and other online resources. Facilitators can be lay or ordained. They should be active members of an Episcopal Church or community. We like to raise up facilitators of diverse ages, races, and congregations.

Email the Anti-Racism Committee at if you are interested in being trained as a Facilitator.

Committee Members

  • The Rev. Tara Bartholomew
  • The Rev. Canon Anita Braden
  • Canon Judith Conley
  • The Rev. Scott Deasy
  • Ms. Sara Dechter (Co-Chair)
  • The Rev. Robin Hollis
  • Ms. Josefina Sanchez
  • The Rev. Carmen Valenzuela (Co-chair)
  • Mr. Cheak Yee





Other Reading Resources

Children & Youth

Safe Alternatives to Calling the Police


Arizona History of Native American Tribes