Employer-Provided Long-Term Disability
$.373 per $100 of monthly covered payroll
The Church Life Insurance Corporation now offers long-term disability insurance (LTD) for lay employees. You must sign up for long-term disability within 60 days of the hire date or it will be necessary to go through medical underwriting. There are NO open enrollment periods when you can enroll.
LTD insurance replaces your earnings if you become permanently disabled or disabled for a period of longer than a year. Assuming that you remain permanently disabled, the LTD benefits will pay until you reach normal retirement age.
Church Life offers two kinds of LTD insurance. Both are billed on the regular monthly bill to the congregation from the Medical Trust.
- LTD may be offered as a fringe benefit by the employer.
- LTD may be purchased by the employee who reimburses the employer through a post-tax payroll deduction. If the employee pays the premium, any LTD benefits collected will be non-taxable.
This information is not intended to be complete. Please visit the Church Pension Group website and review the information on the LTD insurance offerings. If you still have questions, contact Kasey Lyttle, Human Resource Administrator or visit our Administration and Finance page