Fifty dioceses within the Episcopal Church have authorized the 2024 edition of Season for Creation: A Celebration Guide for Episcopal Parishes. This includes our bishop, The Rt. Rev. Jennifer Reddall, who approved the use over the summer.
Now, parishes throughout Arizona can use this resource to celebrate God’s creation during this season which starts on September 1st and ends on October 4th, the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi. The theme for 2024 is To Hope and Act with Creation.
This celebration guide includes updated lectionary (Year B), morning and evening prayer resources, songs of praise, affirmations of faith, quotes on creation, books, music, and so much more.
Another resource for churches looking for ways to mark the Season of Creation is a new nine-session, film-based curriculum entitled “Love God; Love God’s World.” This curriculum focuses on creation care and environmental ministry using a model similar to The Episcopal Church’s popular Sacred Ground series on race. It includes films and readings, faith-based reflections, and discussion questions written by eight lay and clergy contributors from across the church.
This curriculum is designed to work in small groups or “circles” that can explore the series together. The full curriculum is available once a circle is registered. If you are interested in organizing a small group or “circle” to participate in Love God, Love God’s World, you don’t have to be an expert on climate change or environmental justice, or small-group leadership. You may be a parishioner, priest, deacon, or diocesan staff person who is interested in sparking conversation through this series.
Last, the Season of Creation website includes a variety of resources churches can use, including those especially for the Anglican Communion through its Environmental Network, which brings together materials from Anglican churches across the globe.
Retired California Bishop Marc Andrus is on the Season of Creation Steering Committee, along with Bishop Graham Usher, the Church of England’s lead bishop on the environment, and Paulo Ueti of the Anglican Alliance.
So, with all these resources and many more on the Episcopal Church website, how will you celebrate and honor God’s creation this month?