
Presiding Bishop Candidates Announced

Presiding Bishop Nominees 2024
2024 Presiding Bishop Candidates for the Episcopal Church

At the General Convention this summer, the House of Bishops will elect a new Presiding Bishop. Four nominees were announced earlier this month, and an additional petition candidate was announced today. The five nominees are:

  • The Right Rev. Scott Barker, Bishop of Nebraska
  • The Right Rev. Daniel Gutierrez, Bishop of Pennsylvania
  • The Right Rev. DeDe Duncan Probe, Bishop of Central New York
  • The Right Rev. Sean Rowe, Bishop of Northwestern Pennsylvania and Provisional Bishop of Western New York
  • The Right Rev. Robert Wright, Bishop of Atlanta

You can learn more about the nominees here, and watch their introductory videos. 

I encourage you to keep these five bishops in your prayers; they have offered themselves lovingly into this process, and I am grateful for them and for the Nominating Committee who did their work over the last two years. 

Next week, I will travel to Charlotte, NC for a chance to pray, listen, and reflect with the candidates and other bishops in discerning who the Holy Spirit is calling to the office of Presiding Bishop. The new Presiding Bishop will be elected in the Cathedral in Louisville on June 26, 2024, amid General Convention.