On January 23, 2024, in movie theaters across the country, the film A Case for Love will premiere. This documentary is based on Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s consistent theology and preaching about love, and the producers are hoping that with enough attendance at this one-day event, the film will be picked up for further release.
You can look up showtimes and locations here, and I have bought tickets for the 7 pm show at the AMC Esplanade 14 for anyone who would like to join me. This is a wonderful opportunity for congregations to have a night out together for reflection and inspiration.
From the producers:
“This documentary examines whether or not love–specifically unselfish love–is the solution to the extreme societal and political divide facing the U.S.
In the documentary, the film team travels across the U.S. interviewing everyday people from various walks of life and ethnicities, striving to live their lives selflessly. Stories include racial justice, military, foster care, sexual trafficking, love and loss, and others as well-known figures including Pete Buttigieg, Al Roker, Sam Waterston, Becca Stevens, Russell Moore, John Danforth, John Clyburn, Kelly Brown Douglas and Jon Meacham weigh in on the issue. Ultimately, Bishop Michael Curry puts what we’ve seen into context.”
And this week, I ask you particularly to keep Bishop Curry in your prayers. He had another fall this past weekend, resulting in a subdural hematoma and surgery. He is now back in North Carolina recovering.
O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servant Michael the help of your power, that his sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (BCP, page 458)
2 comments on “A Case For Love”
Where and when in Phoenix is it playing? I clicked on the link and they were all in CA,
Hi Surya-Patricia, when you click on the link in the article and go to fathom events, click “Get Tickets.” In the upper right hand corner you can change the location to Phoenix and it will show you the screenings here in Arizona