
Rev. Canon Timothy Dombek Featured in Faith and Money Network

October 2022

The Rev. Canon Timothy Dombek, Canon for Stewardship and Planned Giving for the Diocese of Arizona, was recently featured on the Faith and Money Network’s website. His article, “The Best Hand-me-down Ever: A Giving Story” was published in October of 2022. His story recounts growing up in a large family and how his parents’ generosity to the church was unwavering. Even on a tight budget, they found a way to tithe and give back to their community. Because of this, Rev. Dombek has continued in his parent’s footsteps which have led him to a life of stewardship and planned giving.

You can read his full article by clicking on the link below:

The Best Hand-me-down Ever: A Giving Story

I chose to be a tither because I remembered that it worked for my parents, who struggled to make ends meet but first gave to God, who in fact did meet their needs on time, every time.