
2022 Diocesan Convention Review

We are all a bit exhausted in Dio House after our wonderful Diocesan Convention, “Becoming Beloved Community: Reconciled in Christ.” I am full of gratitude. 

First, thanks to all who volunteered to help with the convention: those who did registration, served as tellers, and read, verged, acolyted, sang, played, deaconed, and MC’d at the Eucharist. Thanks also to those who stood for election to Standing Committee and Deputies to General Convention, or who proposed resolutions for the convention to consider.  Results are located on the Diocesan website HERE.

Thanks also to those who drove long distances to get to Tucson! I pray that those in Kingman, Lake Havasu, Flagstaff, Williams, and Winslow (and others) made it home safely. 

For those who missed it (or want to listen again) the Rev. Isaiah Shaneequa Brokenleg’s marvelous keynote is available on our diocesan Youtube channel here.  She skillfully wove together her own story and experience, the study of scripture, history, and art. I cannot thank her enough for her presence, wisdom, music, and words.  

Other videos on Youtube include our Year in Review and Chapel Rock Video, along with Eucharist worship, and the Business of Convention. 

It was an incredible two days—I could feel the Spirit of the Diocese of Arizona thriving and flourishing amidst the gathering. New friendships were made, old relationships deepened, and all in an atmosphere replete with prayer, joy, and love. 

Nonetheless, I have to end with a note of concern: two diocesan staff members tested positive for COVID on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. If others have come down with COVID in the intervening days, please let us know so we have a sense of what kind of spread the Convention caused. 

If you attended the convention, or could not make it, we would love to hear your feedback. Please fill out the Post Diocesan Convention Survey below.