
The Bishop’s E-pistle: Come and See

Transcript: Come and See

Come and see. Jesus says that over and over again as he calls his disciples. Come and see what following me is like. Come and see how it will change your life. Come and see what it means to be loved. Don’t rely on what other 
people say about me. Come and see for yourself. 

If you’re curious about church or Jesus or how to be a loving person, come and see your local Episcopal church. If your heart is breaking at the griefs and injustices of the world, come and see what we’re doing about them. If you’re lonely and don’t know how to fit in, come and see if there are other people with who you can build community with. Episcopal churches in Arizona are large and small, we’re urban, suburban, and rural. Our members are from every race and ethnicity. We worship in English and Spanish, we’re from every political party, and we are straight and every letter of the LGBTQ+. But we are all centered in Jesus and we know that there is nothing more important in our lives than God’s love for God’s people and our love for God and for one another. 

So find an Episcopal church near you and Come and See.

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