
The Bishop’s E-pistle: Personnel Announcements

In preparation for the eventual retirement of Canon Cathy Black, our office is adjusting some position descriptions and responsibilities.

Serrena Fuentes

As of June 1, 2021, Serrena Addal will be training to become my new Executive Assistant, a role she will take on in its entirety at the beginning of 2022. We will be searching for a new receptionist to take on Serrena’s current duties, and hope to have that person in place by July 1 of this year. For the rest of 2021, Serrena and Cathy will be working to shift responsibilities for my calendar and support, as well as the support of our Standing Committee and other bodies, into Serrena’s capable hands.

Dawn Jackson

Also as of June 1, Dawn Jackson will cease being the Assistant to the Canon for Administration, and take on a new role as Assistant to the Canon to the Ordinary and for Ministry. Dawn’s new primary responsibility will be to serve as the Assistant to Canon Anita Braden; but she will also have substantial responsibilities for supporting our Commission on Ministry and Deacon Formation Academy, as well as taking on additional responsibilities as the Ordination Officer for the Diocese, handling licensing and canonical residency requests.

As of June 1, the Rev. Canon Anita Braden will assume the responsibilities of my Chief of Staff and oversee the support staff of our office.

Cathy Black

As of June 1, the Rev. Canon Anita Braden will assume the responsibilities of my Chief of Staff and oversee the support staff of our office.