
The Bishop’s E-pistle: The Way Forward

On Saturday, February 27, 2021, Dr. Catherine Meeks will be leading an online presentation and discussion for the Diocese of Arizona on “Racial Healing and the Way Forward in the Era of Pandemics.”

Dr. Meeks is the Founding Executive Director of the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing in Atlanta, GA. She is also an author who has published seven books including her recently co-authored book, Passionate for Justice, Ida B. Wells — A Prophet for Our Times which was released in September 2019 and her edited book Living Into God’s Dream: Dismantling Racism in America which focuses on racial healing and reconciliation, published in 2016. 

Dr. Meeks’ work and her passionate approach to racial healing mirrors the focus of the Sacred Ground sessions that are being offered across the diocese. This seminar will be offered from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., with a one half-hour break for lunch at 12:30 p.m. Register for Dr. Meeks’ presentation on our website.

This event is co-sponsored by two long-standing ministries of our Diocese:  Spirituality for the Second Half of Life Ministry and the Anti-Racism Committee. I am so grateful to them, particularly the Rev. Ann Johnson, for making the connection to Dr. Meeks and setting up this opportunity for members across our Diocese. I look forward to seeing many of you online at the event.