By the Rev. Canon Jana Sundin, Canon for Children & Youth
This has been a tough year to be in ministry with children, youth, and young adults. Whether the activity is Bible study, games, or just spending time together, ministry with young people is relationship-based and re-quires that community be fostered. It has been tough, but Christian formation ministers all over our diocese have used their creativity and commitment to their ministries to remain connected. There have been Scripture studies and board games over Zoom and safely distanced coffee visits out-doors. Care packages have been distributed to children and families with arts and crafts supplies, to youth with their favorite candies, water bottle stickers, and silly toys, and to campus ministry students and young adults with coloring books, prayers, and coffee-related items.
As skilled as they are with technology, kids like to be together in real life, and when that’s impossible, material objects from the community can help people feel closer. While most people are eager to be back together as soon as it is safe, these are sustaining efforts reminding the children of God that they’re not alone, not forgotten by their communities.
Chapel Rock ministries have continued as well. In place of Summer Family Camp, in July we offered private household retreats for anyone who wanted to spend some time at Chapel Rock, and this opportunity was offered again the week between Christmas and New Year’s. In place of in-person Summer Camp, we offered virtual ways for campers and counselors to connect and experience a little taste of camp fun. For the summer of 2021, we are planning for a great Summer Camp season in person. Stay tuned for news in the coming weeks by visiting Chapel Rock’s website
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As we all watch and wait to see what will happen with the ongoing pandemic and the hoped-for vac-cine, please hold the children, youth, young adults, and all who minister to them in your prayers as the Church.