
The Bishop’s E-pistle: School Day

This morning, I dropped my son off at school for the first time since March.

I’m not too nervous. We are privileged to have all the advantages of a great Episcopal School with small classes, abundant space, and a clear and public plan for how they are keeping students and staff safe from COVID-19. There is an option for online learning for those who feel more comfortable staying home, and the technology to make that learning possible.

But my nerves aren’t totally steady. We are participating in an experiment, along with many other families, in finding the right balance between the dual goods of safety and face-to-face learning. There is no single right answer, no single right solution for every individual; and there are so many limitations on capacity, finances, and technology.

So, I pray. For parents, students, and teachers. I pray that the precautions schools are taking for face-to-face learning are sufficient to keep everyone safe. I pray for greater charity and support between those who make different choices for their children’s learning. I pray especially for those who do not have access to the resources they need to teach or learn safely.

Please pray with me.

Loving God, we commend those who teach and those who learn to your loving care. Grant school administrators wisdom to guard the safety of all who work and learn in their schools. Bless teachers and students and parents with patience for one another and for themselves; let them find moments of flourishing in the midst of struggle and technology. And may we all come to see you as the source of all truth, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.